Protexio Advice Logo

With a human-centered approach, we deploy customized solutions that perfectly fit your realities to satisfy both employers and employees.

These solutions are designed to enhance the well-being of your teams, with no additional effort required on your part.


Did you know that on average, 52% of employees are dissatisfied with the benefits offered by their company?

Protexio changes the game by offering a flexible and innovative alternative. If you already have a group insurance plan in place, employees satisfied with your current offer can choose to keep their existing plan, while those who find it less suitable can opt for Protexio’s innovative solution. Ultimately, the goal is to have a benefits plan that is tailored to today’s reality and aligned with the individual needs of employees.

360-degree support

Our team supports you in restructuring your employee benefits from A to Z. Whether it’s analyzing your current plan with our actuaries, negotiating your renewal, making proposals, meeting with your employees, or following up on experiences, our advisors assist and support you throughout the process. We also handle the communication plan for your benefits with our customized brochures and explanatory videos.

Instant integration

Protexio solutions can be integrated into your current plan at any time. You don’t need to wait for the next renewal to request an evaluation of your file.

Make the most of your employee benefits

Your current plan, enhanced by Protexio

We take over your existing plan and enhance it to offer more to your employees without increasing your costs. Enjoy optimized coverage and additional benefits while maintaining the same investment on your part.

Address the needs of each employee

Offer more than just group insurance. With our modular service, your employees also benefit from a dedicated expense account for their health and well-being, ensuring that everyone finds what they need and feels fully supported.

At no additional cost

Enjoy our service without worrying about hidden fees. What you see is what you pay, with no surprises or additional costs. Transparency and simplicity at every step.

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Advanced advisory solutions


Our team of professionals, consisting of renowned and experienced actuaries, provides you with high-level strategic advice. Benefit from their in-depth expertise to optimize your benefits plans and make informed decisions that meet the specific needs of your company and employees.

To satisfy both employers and employees


Employers have full control over their costs by setting the allocated amount, without spending more. Employees, on the other hand, have two choices: keep the existing group insurance or opt for the Protexio solution, which offers more flexible coverage tailored to their needs. A balanced approach that satisfies both employers and employees.

Modular benefits

A human-centered solution

By placing individual well-being at the center of our approach, we ensure that the employee benefits we create not only meet the company’s requirements but also enhance the quality of life for employees. A human-centered approach designed to maximize the positive impact on your team.


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Give employees the freedom to choose a benefits plan based on their specific needs.


Customize options based on preferences and carry over unused amounts to the following year if needed.


Win unanimous approval from your employees. Each person can use their allocation according to their own preferences.


Fully customizable expense categories


We understand that each company and employee has unique needs. That’s why we offer flexible and customizable expense categories, allowing you to tailor benefits to your team’s specific requirements. Give your employees the freedom to choose how to use their allocations while maintaining complete control over costs. A bespoke solution designed to fit your reality.


Protexio’s unused allocations are never lost by employees. They can choose to roll them over to the following year or contribute them to your retirement plan. You set the rules.

Design Sans Titre

Dental care

Soin De La Vue

Eye care

Professionnel De La Vue




Mise En Forme De La Vue








Et Plus!

And more!

Our partners

Let’s meet

For a demo of our services or to discuss your situation, Protexio is there. Our team will help you define the best approach for your employees.

Customer service

You are a user of the Protexio application and have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance at
I have group insurance